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In digital era, the use of the Internet has become a necessity in various sectors and fields, especially in government. Government websites function as official information media, improving coordination, administrative systems, access to public services, transparency, and citizen participation. Active community involvement in utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) is significant for the dissemination of information to the public. Currently, the establishment of the Community Information Group (KIM) functions to bridge the digital divide and support digital literacy. KIM is a public service organization managed by and for the community, focusing on information services and empowerment. In Kulon Progo, KIM was established to meet the need for effective communication between the community and the local government. Although KIM Kulon Progo has a website, there is still a lack of features to map local potential. Therefore, the implementation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is critical to improve data management, transparency, and public participation. Through community service activities, which are a collaboration of the Informatics study program, Akprind Indonesia University held training on managing the KIM Kulonprogo website, which includes making maps of tourism potential, agriculture, and public facilities. This GIS training is divided into three stages: socialization, practical guidance, and evaluation, which aims to equip KIM members with the web and GIS skills needed to continue updating and disseminating information. The review of this training resulted in an average assessment from the side of expectations/interests of 81.6% of respondents who considered the training essential. From the level of satisfaction with the implementation of the training, an average response was obtained that they felt satisfied at 84.60% as many as 13.40% felt very satisfied, and only 2% felt dissatisfied.
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